Thursday, September 02, 2004

Let us dwarf them in Valley Forge

I certainly believe in free speech... and thus the right for the neo-Nazi's to gather on the 25th and speak their peace. I just hope nobody shows up to listen. Seems that last weekend the KKK gathered in Sharpsburg, MD, (near where I went to high school) and nearly no one showed up at the Klan rally. The alternate events -- all events preaching tolerance and justice -- were well attended.

We need to ensure the same thing happens in Valley Forge. Please do more than read this blog. Tell your friends about the Valley Forge Rally for Social Justice. Plan on attending. Write to your local media events. We must not stand idly by. We must be people of action. As one resident of Sharpsburg said
The Klan has a First Amendment right to free speech, but I also have the right to say that's not what I believe in, that's not what my community stands for.
Stand up for tolerance and social justice.


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