Friday, June 24, 2005

This is a community-based event

Well, less than 24-hours from now and the Rally for Social Justice will have kicked off. If you are wondering what you can do to help, please know there's plenty you can do.
  • In short, we're still looking for a few folks to help set-up and a few folks to help "marshal" and direct parking...

  • And, we're still looking for a few donations-in-kind including drinks & food stuffs (picnic-type items, primarily for all the volunteers... marshals, musicians, poets, speakers, technicians, etc.)...

  • And, of course we're still looking for financial assistance (to help cover the cost of the stage, tents, sound equipment, generator, trucks, tables & chairs, safety equipment, and a sundry list of other necessary items). We've made it easy: You can donate on-line.
People of Hampton Roads, and people of the greater community: We ask you to stand for diversity, tolerance, non-violence, and social justice. Donate your time; donate your treasure. And, no matter what, please join us tomorrow, Saturday the 25th, from 1pm to 5pm. We'll be here; we hope you are, too.


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