Friday, September 03, 2004

A showing of peace... and let our voices be heard

Just got off the phone with my brother who has become consumed with this issue. I can see why. Until he and the Center for Education Rights applied for the permit to hold a peaceful counter-demonstration, no one was willing to stand up, be counted, and speak out. And now, he's trying to ensure that this rally is about tolerance and peace and social justice; and certainly not about him and his efforts.


So, he'd like to get a band or two to play. You know, to make this rally more than just a time of ranting ourselves (leave that to the neo-Nazis across the park), but an opportunity for peaceful celebration, something appropriate for you, and me, and our families.

If you know of a band, and you think they'd be a good offering, see if you can marry the band up with the Center for Education Rights. Click here to get in touch with CER.

I saw a kickass band, Green Inside, a couple weeks ago while visiting Connecticut. They played on the roof of the Mohegan Sun before an evening fireworks session; I thought they'd be a great performer for this shindig, so I passed their name along to my brother. I don't know what will come of this. If you know Green Inside (hear a cut from their upcoming album here) and think they ought to be playing on the fields of Valley Forge, get in touch with them.

What are some other things which a peaceful demonstration against hate and intolerance and racism should offer?


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