Seed Is gathered off to the side of the stage before making music, a quiet moment together in prayer. Let me tell you: their funk was like a prayer reaching to the heavens. What a great sound.

Biggs jammed out on guitar. According to the Seed Is website, he is not the illigitimate son of Richard Nixon who "wears a fat man costume so people from his past will not recognize him." That would be Mike Peace. Biggs is a native of Washington, DC, and a self-taught musician. Biggs has played with a number of bands; with Seed Is, his current family, Biggs adds immensely to the sound of this funk, soul, rock, rap, folk, jazz, go-go, reggae band. He's not alone, of course.

Here's Big T, the band's trumpeter, warming up before their set.
I really liked the big sound from Seed Is, and Big T's brass was a large part of that. There's just something about a horn, you know.

Nikki, the last band-member I found playing on the roll of film, plays bass. I'm thinking "cool."
PLEASE NOTE: These photographs are Copyright (c) 2005 by Cathy Dixson and are used here by permission. These photographs may not be used further without the written permission of Cathy Dixson. All rights reserved.
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