Are these dangerous times?
So the other day, somebody says to my brother, "Aren't you worred for your son, you getting mixed up in this with the Nazis and the Klan?"
As my brother put it, it is for our children that we do this, that we get involved, that we make a stand. When hatred rules, only evil comes from it. An evil world, one in which there's no diversity and no tolerance of differences, well, that's not a world I want to leave for our children.
So, the question, remains, is there personal danger? I think not. A peaceful get-together like we're planning in Valley Forge will be well protected by state, local, and federal authorities. We will be a crowd of peaceful people gathering to rebel evil just by our very presence.
Having said this, it appears that Phil is already a target by some radical white supremists: click here for a posting on a white supremist site that appears to be targeting Phil as the organizer for the Valley Forge Rally for Social Justice.
I note that the posters on this supremist site hide behind user names; they don't want anyone to know who they are. They hide behind swasticas and white hooded outfits.
Me, I'm not hiding behind a user name. I don't need to. I'm willing to not only speak my mind, but let my words be attributed to me. As is Phil. No matter the consequences; and we hope that in the long run, the consequence will be an America for all of us.
And I was doing a bit more surfing of the supremist site and discovered the guy who posted Phil's phone number enjoys posting phone numbers and addresses of people he wants to, for lack of a better word, target. I can only imagine that he posts personal information about people so that his "friends" can perhaps move beyond exercising their First Ammendment Rights.
Then, again, I could be over-reacting.
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