Friday, September 10, 2004

The whole truth is stranger than fiction

Once again, the accurate reporting at Overthrow by Bill White of the Libertarian Socialist News, hasn't quite caught the truth. White reports
The Southern Poverty Law Center has given an ad hoc group in Valley Forge, Pennsylvania, two thousand dollars to pay street people to attend a demonstration against the National Socialist Movement.
The truth of the matter is that I've used my contacts with the federal government to get the feds to bus in human-looking aliens from Area 51. You probably don't know -- as most people don't know -- the federal government has a plan to replace all "regular" citizens with alien zombies who look like humans. They roll them out when needed; and we need them for the rally at the end of the month since indeed, there isn't anyone -- aside from Phil -- in southeast Pennsylvania who believes we need to speak out against hatred.

To be fair, this operation is classified TOP SECRET, so it's no wonder that Bill White doesn't know about it. Our plan is that the aliens will be flown in to Valley Forge aboard the Goodyear blimp. They will fast rope from the blimp to a staging area through the woods from the rally site. They will then march, in lock step, to the rally location where they will pin on smiles for the gathered media. When the rally is over, the human-looking aliens will be returned to Nevada aboard Air Force One which the President has dedicated to the operation on the 25th.

What Bill White doesn't understand is that we don't need to pay homeless people to attend. We've got the aliens care of the federal government. And, we'll have those citizens who want to meet the aliens.

Ah, we look forward to the rally.

I encourage all you readers to come to Valley Forge to help the Area 51 zombies speak out against hatred and intolerance.


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