Don't just take a stand. Act.
Have you seen these public service ads, Don't just take a stand. Act. They're great. In one of them, a group of people are on a city street corner looking down at a piece of paper which someone threw on the sidewalk. They all bemoan the fact that who ever tossed it there should have put it in the trash can. But, they're unwilling to do anything about it. In another, a bunch of young ladies in a dorm do the same about running water. Then, one person comes by and acts (picks up the trash, turns off the water).
The neo-Nazi rally is the exact same way. We can stand around and chat about it... or we can act. The Valley Forge Rally for Social Justice is all about acting. It's about doing something, not just standing around bemoaning the fact the trash is on the ground.
Folks, it's simple: We cannot just take a stand. We must act. And, by action, I do not mean by taking up arms. I mean by exercising our First Ammendment rights by speaking out and demonstrating against hate, intolerance, and racism.
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